Charli Wall Jenny Burrell Power Years Project Podcast
Charli Wall Jenny Burrell Power Years Project Podcast

Episode 6: Extraordinary Stories Series – Charli Wall

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When I began this podcast, my deepest intention was to share with you the extraordinary stories of ordinary women like myself and you as I’ve always thought that fact was always stranger and more interesting than fiction.

This episode is the first of a series of interviews with women who mean a lot to me. The stories are both interesting and intriguing and they are shared by midlifers with a tale to tell.

To kick things off, I’m joined by a wonderful soul, Charli Wall to tell the tale of her midlife transition. Charli is a life coach, counsellor and addictions and anxiety specialist who helps women to feel secure, confident and happy in their body.

Charli Wall is someone I’ve only met a handful of times but who makes my heart feel good. Some years ago I ran into Charli in the airport, at the start of her massive midlife transformation. After a series of traumatic events, Charli reached a defining moment in her life and sold her business, her house, all her belongings, and decided to travel to India and around Europe for several months, with her intuition as her guide.

Charli’s journey from that point to embracing her authentic self, doing radical deep work, and becoming a physical and mental health coach helping other women is what she’s here to share. I know you’ll get so much from her story of midlife transformation.

Highlights from the episode

  • Events surrounding Charli’s defining moment
  • The miracle of the healing spirit
  • How Charli found the Three Principles
  • Charli’s life-changing revelation
  • Charli’s lessons from her trip to India and back home
  • How Charli has transformed her life
  • The power of showing up authentically
  • Finding a place of deeper understanding
  • Charli’s message for midlife women in deep discomfort

Resources mentioned in the episode

Inspired to begin your Midlife Re-Design?  Think my Midlife Transition Coaching® could be for you?

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